Position Papers
Data Providers Level the Playing Field for Businesses and Governments by Providing Valuable and Cost-Effective Access to Data to the Benefit of All
A substantial amount of the data provider products and services are sold in a business-to-business or business-to-government (B2B/G) model. Many of the more than 33 million small businesses in the US and thousands of government entities cannot efficiently or affordably acquire or provide the data they need by themselves.
“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
— John F. Kennedy
Policymakers and records managers in all levels and branches of government endeavor to fulfill public records requests with fidelity to the purpose and requirements of the law. Occasionally, some of these requests are seen as excessive and a solution is sought for dealing with such requests. CSPRA has developed the principles and framework below to assist those developing solutions to this problem.
Americans for centuries have depended on the commercial and trade use and resale of public records in nearly every important function and aspect of our lives. Whole industries and systems depend on pubic information to function or function properly. When bills limit access to public records, unintended consequences are likely because public records are a critical source of the truth in our society and the many uses of public records are not well understood or appreciated. Like any good system, these uses are mostly invisible and unnoticed by those whom they serve.
Access to public records is central to electing and monitoring public officials, critiquing government operations, understanding the operation of the law, ensuring confidence in government, evaluating the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of government bodies, and protecting against secret or illicit government activities.
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