Your Right to Know: A fund to fight government secrecy.

By Jonathan Anderson, Wisconsin Watch, November 1st, 2024.

In 2022, the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council created a designated fund to help cover legal costs associated with fighting to pry records into the public domain. 

The council’s goal in establishing this fund, which began with a $1,700 contribution from a citizen group grateful for the council’s guidance, is to help individuals and journalists who are confronting improper government secrecy. We are focused on funding lawsuits that are likely to succeed, that could help clarify and strengthen the public’s right of access to government meetings or records or that involve clear or egregious violations of law. We also consider the financial need of the applicant 





WA media seek overdue fix to public records rules | The Free Press Initiative. Seventeen media outlets are asking AG Bob Ferguson to revise the state’s Model Public Records Act Rules.